Sr.No | Company Name | First Name | Last Name | Mobile No. |
1 | M/S S.R.Sale | Shripad | Kale | 9823019998 |
2 | M/S Lucky Clearing Agency | Anand | Paranjpe | 9850277745 |
3 | M/S Shree Shipping Log. & clearing Services Pvt.Ltd. | Tejasvini | Raut | 9819701011 |
4 | M/S Best Agency | Vinod | Sharma | 9325004200 |
5 | M/S Pan Liner Clearing & Forwarding Agency | Murli | Nagrani | 9619925540 |
6 | M/S Associated Consolidation Services Pvt.Ltd. | Shantanu | Bhadkamkar | 9981002570 |
7 | Avignon shipping Pvt.Ltd. | Raj Deepak | Bhargava | 9800271234 |
8 | M/s Amish Shipping Agency | Jeetendra | Sachdev | 9834567890 |
9 | M/s Embee clearing & Shipping Services | Hemant | Makkar | 9049384178 |
10 | M/s J.B.Singh & Sons | J.B | Singh | 9820456539 |
11 | M/s Samson Freight Pvt.Ltd. | Capt.Samarth | Capt.Samarth | 9822055218 |
12 | M/s Silver Wing C & F Services | Rajendra | Aras | 9870040359 |
13 | M/s Sea Eros | C.D. | Nair | 9820434253 |
14 | M/s Spenta Shipping & Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Anil | Shetty | 9766123259 |
15 | M/s Soham Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Rohit | Shah | |
16 | M/s Shri. Ram Logistics | Sanjay | Jadhav | 9822357711 |
17 | M/s SUNGRACE Enterprises | Vivek | Ghule | |
18 | M/s Pearl Shipping Pvt.Ltd | Shiv | Kumar | |
19 | M/s Transworld | MR. | Nair | |
20 | M/s Willfield Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Kalpit N. | Sharma | |
21 | M/s Ascon Shipping Agency | Sunil | Mehata | 9820076265 |
22 | M/s Tulip Enterprises | Sanjay | Kashikar | 9820146923 |
23 | M/s Ultimate Marine Pvt.Ltd. | Prakash | Sawant | 9321802612 |
24 | M/s Saptagiri Shipping Servises | Uday | Shetty | |
25 | M/s Exel exim Servises Pvt.Ltd. | Shashikant | Sonawane | 9923200982 |
26 | M/s Venkatesh Agency | Hemant | Patel | |
27 | M/s Pratima Clearing Agencies | S.K. | Dubey | |
28 | M/s Exim Manegement servises | Anand | Paranjape | 9850277744 |
29 | M/S Abhishan Logistics | Pradeep V. | Kale | 9822023101 |
30 | M/s Dolphin Company | Bhagwan | Singh | 9823022206 |
31 | M/s Ishwari G.Mandalvizar | Ms. Ishwari | Mandalvizar | 9820613717 |
32 | M/s GIO Ind Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Somnath | Joshi | 9823014243 |
33 | M/s Velji Dosabhai & Sons Pvt.Ltd. | Jakir Yakub | shaikh | 9822091779 |
34 | M/s Interjas LogisticsPvt.Ltd. | Nitin | Parab | |
35 | M/s Capricorn Logistics | Onkar | Kamatkar | 9623442030 |
36 | M/s MGH Logistics Pvt. Ltd. | Tapash | Chowdhury | 7387086771 |
37 | M/s Sharadchandra P.Shah Agency Pvt.Ltd. | Mrs.Ranjanamani | Shah | 9833366699 |
38 | M/s Elness Logistics Servises Pvt.Ltd. | Jayant | Shriyan | 9820302834 |
39 | M/s Seashell Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Manohar | Kahar | |
40 | M/s Boxco Logistic India Pvt.Ltd. | Krishna B. | Kotak | |
41 | M/sC.V.Karia Clearing & Forwarding Pvt.Ltd. | Vinay v. | Kirpekar | 8879635495 |
42 | M/s ASM Logistics. | Ashwal S. | Mazumdar | 9820049530 |
43 | M/s J.K. Shipping & Logistics. | Jatin harish | Kapadia | 9821054812 |
44 | sM/s Fairmacs Shipping & Transport servises Pvt.Ltd. | Nilesh | Bandi | 9326999068 |
45 | M/s Francis Shipping Agn.Pvt.Ltd. | Namdev | Karanjekar | |
46 | M/s Hindustan Logistics Shipping Agency | Chandra | Gadge | 9920745265 |
47 | M/S. H.T.Shah & Sons | Mahendra | Shah | |
48 | M/S Kimatram & Sons Pvt. Ltd. | MR. | Pandit | |
49 | M/S Omkar clearing . | MR. | Mangesh | 9820125243 |
50 | M/S R.Square MLG Logistics (P) Ltd. | Nilkanth | Zinjad | 9833949335 |
51 | M/S Sharp Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Vishal | Pawar | 9850528578 |
52 | M/s Tiger Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. Mahesh | Anturkar | 9923423230 |
53 | M/s Man Logistics (I) Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. Anup | Bora | 8652255022 |
54 | M/s Chandra Offshor Logistics Servises. | Yogini | Zambre | 9168505799 |
55 | M/s Link cargo Agn.Pvt.Ltd. | MR. | sahai | 66302713 |
56 | M/s DHL Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Shrikant | Mohanty | 9923004266 |
57 | M/s Geeta Shipping & clearing Servises. | Mr.Sayaji | Wagh | 9011075736 |
58 | M/s Batliboi Impex Pvt.Ltd. | Mr.Jibu | John | 9223208507 |
59 | M/s J.M.Baxi & Co. | Mr.niranjan | Joshi | |
60 | M/s B.K. Madhav & Sons. | Mr. Vishal | Gaikwad | 9870666811 |
61 | M/s Babaji Shivaram Clearing and carriers Pvt.Ltd. | MR. | Yogesh | 9226307637 |
62 | M/s Jeena & Co. | Pandurang | Deshmukh | |
63 | M/s Freight carrier Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Sudhir | Thavi | 9867733162 |
64 | M/s Act shipping Ltd. | Mr. T.V. | sujananadan | |
65 | M/s Raj Clearing Agency. | Onkar | Kamatkar | 9623442030 |
66 | Nippon Express (india) Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. | Tripathi | 9960375409 |
67 | M/s Chandra Shipping & Trading servises. | Yogini | Zambre | 9168505799 |
68 | M/s Cargomen Logistics (I) Pvt. Ltd. | Mr.Yogesh | Shinde | |
69 | M/s Shoolin Shipping Servises India Pvt. Ltd. | SAGAR | KADU | 7387436666 |
70 | M/s Avvashya CCL Logistics Pvt. Ltd. | Rahul | Bawdekar | 9881715136 |
71 | M/s Horizon Cleford Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. Nilesh | Desai | |
72 | M/s Mangirish Log.LLP | Mr. Mangesh P. | Wagh | 9321342501 |
73 | M/s Heet Logistics. | Mr. Kedar | Vaidya | 9821021248 |
74 | M/s Stream Line Log.Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. Vijay | Patil | 9892933981 |
75 | M/s Meridian Freight Forwarders Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. Akshay | Shetty | 9825226522 |
76 | M/s Nikhil Cle. & Forward.Pvt. Ltd. | mr. Vilas Atmaram | Kadam | 9619860634 |
77 | M/S silverline Global Freight Pvt. Ltd. | Mr. R.S. | Dwivedi | 9004080393 |
78 | M/S Logic Transware Pvt.Ltd. | Mr. | Shetty | 0222555802 |
79 | M/S Mandar Clearing & Forwarders Pvt.Ltd. | Mandar | Kerkar | 9821025065 |
80 | M/S Sai Siddhi Forwarders | Anand | Paranjape | 9850277744 |
81 | M/S VSD Shipping LLP | Sunil | Dhore | 7720047979 |
82 | M/S Vardhaman Custom Clearing and Forwarding Agents | Sanjiv Kumar | Jain | 9810139501 |
83 | M/S S. R. Pusalkar & Co. | V.V. | Dixit | 22617632 |
84 | M/s JDS Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Sujata | Pandey | |
85 | M/S Hermes Freight Pvt.Ltd. | Rishi | Lalwani | 9821125850 |
86 | Velji Dosabhai And Sons Pvt. Ltd. | Jakir | Shaikh | 9822091779 |
87 | C.N.Mehta & Associates | Dilip | Mehta | 9820088312 |
88 | Divya Shipping & Clearing | Vedprakash | Shriyan | 9820027665 |
89 | Modern Cargo Services Pvt.Ltd. | Firdos | Fanibanda | 9820083434 |
90 | Bhagya Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Nimesh | Bhojani | 9820916911 |
91 | Vertex Total Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Manoj | Shinde | 7738065252 |
92 | Sainath Forwarders ( P ) Ltd. | Omprakash | Puthr an | 9820314799 |
93 | Circle Clearing & Shipping Services Pvt.Ltd. | Sadanand | Shetty | 9623442030 |
94 | Mangatram Clearing & Forwarding Agent Pvt.Ltd. | S | Ramachandran | 9820196544 |
95 | Ajay Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Narendra | Joshi | 9324873413 |
96 | Chinubhai Kalidass & Bros. | Anand | Sheth | 9820090743 |
97 | Delight Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Vijayan | Nambiar | 9821218568 |
98 | IOCC Shipping Pvt.Ltd. | H.S. | Rathore | 9322890443 |
99 | Narendra Forwarders Pvt.Ltd. | Rakesh | Shah | 9821041214 |
100 | News Logistics | Niraj | Shah | 9930456513 |
101 | SSS Sai Forwarders Pvt.Ltd. | Deepak | Bajetha | 9167230172 |
102 | Sterling Freight Pvt.Ltd. | J.U. | Kanankia | 9821023238 |
103 | sunrich Logistics Pvt.Ltd. | Ram | Krishnan | 9820613547 |
104 | Total Shipping & Log.(I) Pvt.Ltd. | Vishal | Gupta | 9324422001 |
105 | Liladhar Pasoo Forwarders Pvt.Ltd | Laxmichand | Shah | 9819707119 |
106 | A.R.Shipping Agency | Ashok | Poonia | 022631653 |
107 | ACE Clearing & Forwarding | Uday | Sait | 9820400233 |
108 | Adroit Impex | Dilip | Bhat | 9322288160 |
109 | Cargo Channels Pvt.Ltd. | Mahesh | Trikha | 9810036509 |
110 | Cargo Placement Services & Agency Pvt.Ltd. | C.P. | Sajeevan | 9324278136 |
111 | Ceva Freight India Pvt.Ltd. | A.D. | Dighe | 7738080557 |
112 | Gordon Woodroffe Logistics Ltd. | Amit | Kapoor | 2228500432 |
113 | Gordon Woodroffe Logistics Ltd. | Amit | Kapoor | 2228500432 |
114 | Heet Logistics | Kedar | Vaidya | 9821021248 |
115 | Indus Shipping Services | Deepak | Chaudhari | 9322660099 |
116 | Sun Impex Clr.& Shipping Agency | Ashok | Kanse | 9769428995 |
117 | Nationwide Shipping Services Ltd. | P.V. | Paralkar | |
118 | Prakash Freight Movers Ltd. | Jignesh | Mistry | 9833687060 |
119 | Trans Marine Corporation Pvt.Ltd. | Sujith | Kurup | 9821532817 |
120 | Tribeni Freight & Forwarders LLP | Sanjay | Mahajan | 9820134530 |
121 | Logistikas Logisolutions | Vishal | Kale | 9860133022 |
122 | A.M.Sodder &Co. | Taheer | Godhrawal | 9820025007 |
123 | GGI Clearing & Forwarding Pvt.Ltd. | Pushminder | Rathod | 9930200740 |
124 | Fedex Express Transportation & Supply Chain Services ( India ) Pvt.Ltd. | Debasish | Dakua | 9980024237 |
125 | Vasu Shipping & Logistics -LLP | Yogendra | Bhabha | |
126 | Seaswan Shipping & Logistics | S | Selvraj | 9167910045 |
127 | Shriram Enterprises | Sanjay | Hemgude | 9325323270 |
128 | PH Value Shipping Pvt.Ltd. | Dhanesh Kumar | Nair | 9820146989 |
129 | Skystar Clr.& Ford.Pvt.Ltd. | Sandip | Aher | 9867260911 |
130 | GlobTrans Clearing & Forwarding Pvt.Ltd. | Bhaskar | Devadiga | 7700999131 |
131 | Test | Anubhav | Test | 8770675917 |
132 | demouser | test1 | user | 9879879877 |
133 | ADC | Test1 | user1 | 9881234567 |
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